In today's anti-male Britain, we have laws and organisations wanting to end equality of opportunity for men and women.
We have all three political parties colluding to discriminate and make it harder for a man than a women to be a politician, a range of organisations and politicians doing the same for boardrooms and the same for stopping men and women from being paid depending on their contribution to a company (gender pay gap).
We also now that with the destruction of equality in education - boys are falling way behind girls at school and no one gives a hoot.
Justice though is meant to be blind as we have pointed out before some groups like the Women's Justice Taskforce do not want women to go to prison but are not bothered about how many men go there. They are happy and popping the champagne corks when people like Maria Topp get a suspended sentence.
At the other end of the scale, with far more women becoming solicitors and barristers than men, we will soon have more female judges etc. Not a problem if they are there on merit and are not men-haters.
But yesterday someone called Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury actually waded in and said he wanted to sexually discriminate against men by making it harder for them to be judges yet making it easier for women to be judges. Merit is not up for discussion and does not count. Just like the political world and just like now in the boardroom.
He wants to use the anti-male Section 159 of the Equalities Act, probably the most pernicious anti-male piece on the statute books, to promote women over men.
So at one end we have no equality in prison sentences and now there is a call for no equality in those making the decisions to send people to prison. From every direction, equality of men is disappearing from Britain's justice system.
Posted by Skimmington
Media coverage (quite a lot on this so some of the main ones) - Press Association, Daily Mail (Donal Blaney), Daily Mail, Daily Mail (Quentin Letts)
I commented on the Maria Topp story here: and it became the most recommended comment. Good to see there are still people in the UK as disgusted by that case as we were.
Posted by: Jon | Tuesday, 15 November 2011 at 11:09
...not to mention the discrimination agains men in the divorce and family courts.
These men who'd like to see anti-male discrimination, such as Lord Neuberger,
as surprisingly silent about the divorce courts and the many other areas where men are 2nd class citizens.
The media are the instrument of choice as usual for the misandrists.
Walmart recently successfully defended aganst a second class action suit by 1.5 million women who claim they were discriminated against. 1.5 million! Of course it was largely ignored by the femedia here.
Imagine if the men's rights campaign had even half the funds of feminist organisatins, the number of men who would come forward against the UK goverment, not to mention the NHS, the educations system and just about every service industry you care to name.
Posted by: Bob | Wednesday, 16 November 2011 at 23:09