Season's greetings to all our readers and a happy new year. 2013 has seen a significant increase in the attention given to men's issues, with all sorts of things we've been discussing for years finally entering th mainstream. 2013 saw the launch of a political party for men and boys and issues such as male rape victims finally appeared in the news. In particular, I found it heartening to see the increased attention given to male genital mutilation, with some extremely clever protesting by intactivists this year and even support from countries in Scandanavia and the Council of Europe.
On the other hand, many things stayed the same, with feminists smearing and attempting to silence men's equality groups on university campuses, not just in Canada but here in the UK too. We also saw politicans once again largely ignoring men's issues, and of course there was plenty of misandry and nonsense from Lynne Featherstone as usual. Sadly, 2013 also saw the suicide of Earl Silverman and our thoughts go out at this tiem of year to his family and so many other men in his position.
The work of this blog gets mutiple mentions in A Voice for Men's review of 2013, so be sure to give it a read:
Skimmington did mention he may we away for a few months so I'm sure everyone will join me in hoping he returns soon in the new year.
by John Kimble