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Monday, 16 July 2012


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Re the Men's Hour item

This raises a fundamental issue about men's rights and, very importantly, why men do not and often cannot claim those rights. In how many areas of life do we hear the same refrain: "the services and opportunities etc are available for men, but they just don't come forward and claim them, or show any willing to fight for them..."

I believe it points up something in male nature that the way these services are delivered, fails to take into account: men are just not as demanding as women when it comes to reaching out and taking what is on offer. So putting a service out there and waiting for people to present themselves, works well for women but badly for men. We will always let women and children go first, then maybe take what crumbs are left...or maybe not at all. Responding only to demands will play into the hands of women, who are the more demanding sex. It is always the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.

Those services, particularly in the health field, need to provide more outreach if they are going to give men a fair crack of the whip. But sadly wherever there is any outreach, it is nearly always for women only. Look at the national screening programmes for cancer, where the NHS gets off its backside for once and actually invites people to attend for screening. But who gets 100% of the invitations? There are only screening programmes for women, none for men. Instead we are expected to detect our own symptoms, put ourselves ahead of everyone and everything else (i.e. become a bit selfish) and seek out help in an environment that is so often either hostile or indifferent to our needs. It goes completely against the grain for most men. No wonder so many men die of cancer, even the more treatable ones.

I see only two possible solutions: either these services have to change and adapt more to men's ways of doing things - which certainly means far more outreaching, and becoming much more male-friendly - or, men have to learn to do things for themselves. One such project is to offer health advice to men online. This is a big improvement, allowing men to access information in their own way and their own time, not needing to take time off work, and not needing to attend a surgery where they may be made to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. We need much more of this kind of approach.

Other areas can be of more benefit to men in similar ways. We can access knowledge online or through our own research, instead of having to make do with information filtered by others before it reaches us - such as through the anti-male state education sector ot through the anti-male mainstream media.

I guess what I am really advocating here is for men to go their own way - MGTOW actually works well for men, and can be applied in so many areas. Be your own boss and be your own champion, because nobody else will fill that role for you.

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