Iris Langford MP MLA, the Democratic Unionist MP for Strangford asked the Secretary for State for Northern Ireland on 5th June 2006 for the number of refuges there were in Northern Ireland for men and women (link).
The answer was 12 for women and none for men.
The most startling fact (or is it?) was that the Minsiter, David Hanson MP, stated that this was because "there are no refuges in operation specifically for male victims of domestic violence given the small numbers involved but men may seek assistance from the Housing Executive who will offer the full range of homelessness services including supported or unsupported temporary accommodation."
This was despite the fact he also revealed that over a three year period (2003-2006), 11 women and six men died because of domestic violence. He also obviously ignores the fact that the British Crime Survey (link) shows that (on average from 2001-2006) men make up 24% of victims and the Home Office regularly states that 1 in 6 (16%) men will suffer from this violence in their lifetime.
The Seceratery of State obviously does not take notice of the figures his own government produces or thinks Northern Ireland is different.
Mayeb he should read the article here (link)