Back in 2004, Lord Northbourne called for a Minister for Men (link) and then the issue seemed to go away.
Not anymore though, a petition proposed by Claire Elliot has appeared on the government's petition web-site.
Please find the petition here - (link)
The petition states :- We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to restore equality for men by creating a minister for men.
In this era of single parents, divorce and blended families, the role and reputation of a man has been diluted to a point where he is severely discriminated against in almost all arenas.
I call on the Prime Minister to show true equality to men by creating a Minister for Men to reflect balance in Parliament as Ruth Kelly is currently the Minister for Women
Now that the Gender Equality Duty has come into effect, how can the government refuse?
There is always the scope to make a complaint about the government to the Equal Opportunities Commission (link)!
Remember, there is also another petition on support for male victims of domestic violence (link).