The Daily Mail (link) ran a spread on grandparents being the forgotten victims of bitter family break-ups.
The article is based on a grandmother, Pam Wilson, who was deliberately denied access to her grand-daughter after the divorce of her son from the grand-daughter's mother. There is a web-site for anyone interested further in this issue.
The story is all too familiar for thousands of people all over the country, especially fathers.
Breakdown in Society and family life is that of the Prime Minister and his parties own making, hence if he, Gordon Brown or John Reid does not address this reality neither they nor anyone else in the Labour Party will be fit for office.
Fact, since 1997 when Labour came to office well over 300,000 children have needlessly lost contact with their fathers due to the unjust family court system which favours mothers and denies children and fathers the Right to family life as should be so in accordance with Human Rights Act article 8 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Sadly due to PM policy and ideology on family law, 100 children per day loose contact and over one million grandparents like all grandparents have no legal presumption to see their grandchildren, indeed all the paternal side of the child’s family is removed after separation or divorce by judges who put the interest of mothers before the interest of the children.
Result being that the innocent children involved have lost out on the very role models they need and are entitled to. So now we have a generation of children striped of their right to be nourished and cherished by the paternal side of their family in their formative years. It is no wonder therefore that we now see a rise in dysfunctional and anti social children. By giving Human Rights to grandparents and giving Human Rights to the paternal side of a child’s family, only then will we have any chance of reversing this downward spiral in our youth! Suffice to say this government has been the main driving force behind the destruction of the traditional family this to the detriment of the very fabric of society itself.
Of the people for the people is no longer a banner Labour can hold up with pride. We for our part will continue to highlight the governments destructive policy which undermines the marriage based family, fact being that according to UNICEF the traditional family unit is by far the most stable environment for children to grow up in.
Suffice to say, I, as chairman of the NSCFC truly believe that the family is the primary socialising agency in a child’s life. I also believe the family is the corner stone of any civilisation.
National Society for Children and Family Contact (NSCFC) is a registered charity which believes that continuing contact with a child’s parents or extended family after separation or divorce is vital for the child’s balanced development and it works tirelessly to foster those all-important family contacts.
As such we offer free support and advice to all those in need. Helpline at National rate also available 24/7. This to include support and domestic violence helpline for men on 0870 794 0075 or
Posted by: Mike Ellis | Monday, 16 April 2007 at 19:23