Chris Lavender has placed a new government e-petition on the CSA. I would urge all readers to sign it. The petition is available here (link).
The text is:-
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to stop with immediate effect, the discrimination against non-resident parents who pay CSA maintenance calculated under the 'old' system.
As a non-resident parent I pay Child maintenance to the CSA which is calculated under the old system. The new system stipulates payments of 15% (for one child), 20% (for two children) and 25% (for three or more children)of net salary.
This leaves many like myself who consider it right and just to contribute to the cost of bringing up our child(ren), paying way over the percentages stated above because of calculations made under the old system.
To make matters worse, the only explanations that are given for this discrimination is that either there is a new computer system still being trialed or that the government is waiting for the 'new department' to be established. How much longer must we wait? Act now, sign my petition and let's have justice for ourselves and above all our children who also suffer when we are unable to survive ourselves on an inadequate income!
Editors Note : There are other worthwhile petitions worth signing- see here (link)