There has been a government e-petition calling for a Minister For Men (link). It received over 380 signatories. The petition is set out below and the site has been alerted to the government's response. It is, as to be expected from this government which puts ignoring men at the centre of its policies, completely and arrogantly dismissive. It doesn't even answer the question why there is a Minister for Women and not one for Men.
In this era of single parents, divorce and blended families, the role and reputation of a man has been diluted to a point where he is severely discriminated against in almost all arenas.
I call on the Prime Minister to show true equality to men by creating a Minister for Men to reflect balance in Parliament as Ruth Kelly is currently the Minister for Women.
Government response
Thank you for your e-petition about the creation of a Minister for Men. Though the Government recognises that there are areas where men face disadvantage or discrimination, a glance at the income and poverty figures will show that, overall, inequality in our society affects women to a far greater extent than men.
That is why the Government appointed a Cabinet Level Minister for Women in 1997 whose remit was, and is, to promote equality of opportunity in our society. The current holder of this office is Harriet Harman QC, MP and she is supported by Barbara Follett MP.
Despite the passing of the Equal Pay and Sex Discrimination legislation over 30 years ago, and other improvements since 1997, women in Britain still experience significant disadvantage in our society. For example:
- Women account for over half of the United Kingdom's population, but only make up 19% of MPs and 29% of local councillors.
- Black, Asian and Ethnic minority women account for 8% of the UK's female population but make up less than 1% of local councillors.
- Only 10.3% of the directors in the boardrooms of the top 100 FTSE companies are female;
- The gap between the pay of male and female workers is currently 12.6% for full time and a staggering 40% for part-timers.
- Women are the main victims of domestic violence in the UK and 83 of them are killed by their partners or ex-partners in 2005.
- Women still shoulder the lion's share of caring for the old and the young and 90.5% of lone parents are female.
However, the Government recognises that men do want to spend more time with their families and this is reflected in the action we have taken to improve work life balance. That is why, in 2003, we introduced the right to request flexible working for all parents with children of under six years old or with disabled children of under eighteen years old. In April this year this right was extended to include people who care for adults.
Our Government is determined to fight discrimination and ensure everybody in Britain can make the most of their talents regardless of their gender, race, sexuality, age, faith or disability and we are committed to tackling these inequalities to create our vision of a fairer society and the role of Minister for Women is crucial in delivering our aims.
The Government have established the new Equality and Human Rights Commission which will champion equality, diversity, and human rights as defining values of our society, encouraging all our institutions to operate for the benefit of every individual.
Harriet Harman will be working across Government with Ministerial colleagues to ensure that we deliver on this ambitious agenda.
We continue to promote equal outcome as being reflective of equality. Equal oppurtunity is the only way to promote equality. Not forcing quotas on society.
Why are over 94% of work place fatalities male? Ill tell you why - women choose not to take those risky jobs and therefore do not benefit from the increase in financial compensation for said risk. Its one of the many reasons women get paid less than men. They choose jobs, careers and positions which fit their risk tolerance, life style and family commitments better. We have just heard the lie that women are flat out paid less so many times that it has become truth to most.
Western governments will continue to promote discrimination against men until it finally starts to affect women - then we will get round to doing something about it.
Of course we have a society that promotes equality, and we will stick to those policies of equality as long as women, and only women, benefit from them.
Posted by: James | Sunday, 16 December 2007 at 02:48