One of the biggest sea changes in the last twenty years has been the lack of male teachers in schools (a subject well covered here link, link, link and recently in The Guardian). This is a problem when dealing with boys' discipline in school but also means there is a lack of male role models, particularly a problem when there is no father in the household.
One outcome of all of this is that boys quickly fall behind at school, not helped by a feminised education system. It means their discipline becomes shot to pieces.
The recently published figures (link) on fixed exclusions (in old money -'suspensions') not only shows that c75% are against boys but it is the volume that is of most concern, especially in the crucial years of 13-15.
At 14, there are 69,740 (22.47% of schoool roll) male pupils excluded, a worryingly high figure.
We need to get more male teachers into school, revert back to 'O' levels for those that want them and of course, spend more time on getting boys education up-to-scratch.
PS Interesting the high volume of girls being excluded, never happened in my day