Figures in Scotland's Sunday Herald (link) show there has been a 110% increase in the number of male domestic violence victims in Scotland. Police were called to over 6,000 incidents where men were the victims.
And as the article states "And while the Scottish government has spent tens of millions of pounds in recent years to support female victims of domestic abuse and violence, it has not directed a single penny to support men who suffer at the hands of their partner."
Conservative MSP Mary Scanlon also raised the issue in the Scottish Parliament last week .
Thing are bad in England and Wales but clearly worse in Scotland. This clearly another example of institutional sexual discrimination perpetrated against men.
The Scottish Government knows there is a problem but they CHOOSE to do nothing about it.
Come on Scots support Mary Scanlon and challenge your Government.
Well done to Jackie Walls reported earlier this year starting work to set up a Mens Aid in the northern kingdom.
Posted by: Nigel | Monday, 10 November 2008 at 21:45