In the last ten years, the war on men has included stopping men from seeking to be MP's etc solely on the basis that they are men. This has been done in the name of equality to ensure that there are more female politicians. While there is an argument for more female politicians, the way that UK political parties have been trying to achieve this has been through stopping men from being able to stand. The Labour Party for instance, has brought in all-women short-lists even bringing in an Act of Parliament to achieve it. These issues have been covered (link, link).
Now it emerges that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has introduced a 2009 Gender Equality Prize, which rewards political parties that strive to promote gender equality in politics (link).
So now it is not just good enough to stop men from being able to serve their community, you can win a prize for it!
PACE have been campaigning on this issue (link) for some time and has declared "Introducing quotas and parity measures is only one way to reach the equal representation of women and men. Also reforming electoral systems, changing internal rules of the parliamentary assemblies and introducing policies to improve reconciliation of work and family and private life and fight the gender pay gap are needed."
It is not just in the UK where political gender discrimination is allowed, "five European countries have stipulations in the electoral law or in the constitution which impose quotas on political parties in order to increase women’s representation or to attain parity democracy: France, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Slovenia.
This male discrimination is endemic across the EU and is one of the most dangerous, if not the most dangerous, assault on men and equality.