A short post was published yesterday outlined how BBC Radio 4's More or Less programme destroyed/decimated the myth that has been used for over a decade that "Domestic violence kills more women between 15 and 44 than anything else."
As the programme outlined (hopefully a more permanent link) this was from a News at Ten feature that stated this as the bald truth and one in which other journalists and bodies such as the Government regularly trot out. A Frank Fisher asked the programme to investigate its veracity and lo and behold the Office of National Statistics and the chief statistician from the World Health Organisation disowned it.
The most telling parts are about 1min 45 in but also at the end where academic Sylvia Walby who produces the statistical analysis on domestic violence figures for the Government/Home Office and is gender neutral (she with others always use the 1 in 6 men and 1 in 4 women will be victims in their lifetime) was asked by Tim Harford, the presenter:-
TH: Some of the people that we've talked to in the course of doing this piece have suggested that we shouldn't be questioning this rogue statistic; even though we know it isn't true, we shouldn't be questioning it because we know domestic violence is such a serious problem. Do you have sympathy with that view?
SW: I understand the view. It is difficult to be critical of something on such an important area. But I think we've gone beyond the basics. Everybody now knows that domestic violence is a serious problem, and now we need to know exactly the scale and shape of that problem. So we do need to be querying the figures and we do need to be improving them. And that means collecting new and better data.
Listening to Sylvia on the programme you could tell (she makes a sigh) that she knows the figure is also not true and she is an expert in analysing the official statistics on the subject. So if the ONS, the WHO and Sylvia Walby do not support this figure, who does?
However, look again at Tim Harford's question.
What it shows is that Marxist anti-male feminists are using Orwellian Double-speak. They admit the figure is wrong but that does not mean that it should not be treated as fact and to challenge it puts you in the wrong, such is the PC Britain we live in.
So who are these people who told Tim Harford that the truth does not matter and that facts should not be questioned. It wasn't the Government because Tim would have said so (that would be story in itself), could it be either or both of the two leading charities that support female victims, or who else?
It is obviously people who have too much to lose to if the truth got out and someone who thrives on male-bashing (if it is the biggest killer, then those doing the killing are men)
As Big Brother would say YOU DECIDE.