The terribly sad story last week of model Danielle Lloyd being attacked by two women at a nightclub brings into light the latest British Crime Survey figures that also emerged that showed that one in four violent attacks involve women. Women alone amounted to 13% whilst violence perpetrated by men and women together was 11%.
The key issues show that this worrying rise can no longer be swept under the carpet and the blame for violence can no longer be construed as being solely perpetrated by men. There are of course no known female perpetrator programmes so this will also need to be looked at and the question why not? raised.
As argued on this site, some of this violence will also be occurring in domestic relationships so the myth that domestic violence only affects female as victims will also be laid be rest.
In addition, there is no word from the Minister for Women, The Fawcett Society or others about this trend. Is it because they don't want to face the facts?
Media coverage - Telegraph