The final instalment of podcasts and videos from Amfortas. I hope you have found them of interest.
Everyday Family Terrorism
"When Momma ain’t Happy, Nobody’s Happy". Amfortas and Paul Elam show how domestic violence and a lot worse are often caused by ‘controlling’ women who are willing to destroy their families to have their own way. Dr Eric Berne’s ‘Games’ are described including the major cause of broken families, the "Let’s you and Him Fight" strategy which uses the Police and Family Courts.
Is Feminism a Hate Movement?
Amfortas narrates MRA Fidelbogan’s well established, clear and logical analysis of the links between the spectrum of disaffection feelings that women have for men and the rise and sustenance of Feminism. This spectrum is lead from the top by hateful, sociopathic women and supported by ‘rent-seeking scum’ women in growing bureaucracies, who take immoral advantage.
Video. You Tube. Everyday Family Terrorism
Paul Elam, Amfortas and Christian J show and tell of the damage done within families and society by intransigent people, in this instance Women, who are prepared to destroy their own families to get their own way. Erin Pizzey documented the effects of showing the Truth about violent women, for which she received Feminist death threats. Dr Eric Berne shows several 'Games' used including the 'let’s you and him fight' game so common today where cops and courts do the dirty work that leaves children unprotected.
Video. You Tube . The Pay Gap
Amfortas, Paul Elam and Christianj, examine the myth of the Pay Gap and show,
name and shame the political women who lie to get the women's vote. Dr Warren Farrell demolished the mendacious claims but has
been ignored by the media. Men do the dirty, dangerous work which pays well while women exercise choices that are more nurturing and 'safe'.
The glass ceiling does not exist but the glass cellar does. Excellent video production by Paul Elam.