The sickest irony of the Government's initiatives (including a ready reckoner, more to come in a later post) announced this week (entitled the Together We Can End Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy) is that it came in the same week as Jane Andrews who horrifically murdered her boyfriend had absconded briefly, a female teacher is jailed for having sex with a pupil and the Scotsman reported an increase in male victims in Scotland.
What is clear (as if we did not know anyway) is that the Government is purposely and wilfully ignoring male victims. They do not even try to hide it as they have made it clear that the initiatives such as bringing education on domestic violence into schools is only to end domestic violence against women and girls not against men and boys as well. So men get told not to hit women, rightly so, but girls are not told to not to hit men. That is the true meaning of equality in the UK.
The deliberate decision to only use the "1 in 4 women will be a victim in their lifetime" figure and "two women per fortnight are murdered by a partner and or ex-partner" figure whilst ignoring the male figures of 1 in 6 men and two men per fortnight is shameful when the figures are from the same research. Sexism by omission.
Also, because so many people keep complaining to the BBC that when they publicise a DV story they only talk about it from a female victim perspective, Bill Turnbull, a presenter on BBC Breakfast, asked the Government Minister Alan Campbell MP about men on Wednesday. Attorney General Vera Baird repeats this on Women's Hour.
He asked him "Why does this initiative not include men because whenever we run a story like this, if men are not included, we get lots of complaints.". The Minister pathetically said "we decided that our priority was just on Women and Girls". Turnbull pushed him and Campbell basically said that as there were more female victims, this is where the priority was. Shameful, truly shameful and truly sexist.
If you are a male victim of domestic violence, this Government has made it clear, it does not care about you.
Good stuff as usual, though you have missed one key point.
It's one thing for dv charities and the government to lie through their teeth when discussing and debating the issue of domestic violence generally. We know they've got a hateful agenda, but to some extent they do have the right to express their insane ideas in Parliament etc.
However what we're looking at here is them introducing such hate into the actual education system, and presenting it as fact.
You or I can see through the lies of the government when they pretend male victim do not exist, yet children have young developing minds, and tend to be trusting especially of teachers etc.
To abuse the educational system for political purposes is incredibly shameful at the best of times. However thsi sin't just any old issue they're playing politics with - it's people lives.
To deliberately lie to children about an issue as significant as thi through our schools in nothing short of child abuse, and it's tax player funded child abuse at that!
Good news that the bbc get a lot of complaints about sexism though - I really think the number of people truly interested in equality for men is growing quite significantly.
Posted by: John Kimble | Friday, 27 November 2009 at 02:19
This was reported in the BBC News.
I made a comment in the morning of 25 Nov. When I checked back in the afternoon the facility to make comments had been removed.
My comment was that it was "totally sexist" to do this without also teaching girls it was wrong to hit boys.
My comment has not been published.
Posted by: Alf | Friday, 27 November 2009 at 13:42
Please do keep trying and pointing out the sexism on this issue. I was pleased to see some students forming groups.
Posted by: Groan | Friday, 27 November 2009 at 20:04
On the 19 November the One in Three Campaign site was launched in austratia. Take a look.
Posted by: Groan | Saturday, 05 December 2009 at 16:07