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Thursday, 29 July 2010


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John Kimble

Brilliant piece, really good to use an organisations own statistics against them in this way.

We should also note that serious violence by males is more liekly to be committed by step fathers than the biological father these days, therefore they probably haven't even shown the correct type of male abuser either.


Very well researched. I tried to find the page that you link to which says that women harm kids more than men from their home page. I'll tell you if you can find that page by just browsing their site you're doing better than me. They've definitely tried to hide that stat!

John Kimble

There probably isn't much difference in harm caused by men and women due to the amount of contact violent step fathers have with children. (unlike biological fathers mum's latest boyfriend has no limits placed on access and no hoops to jump through).

Therefore the key difference at present is between mothers and fathers, not so much men and women.

Dave E

The latest nspcc advert reaches a new low with their attack on fathers.

Features a young girls voice during a telephone call with an oscilloscope voice recording on screen.

They continue to attack fathers despite their research contradicting the misandrist filth they broadcast.

Tim Loughton on nspcc's lies and misandry from Hansard...

> Hansard of the U.K. Parliament, March 2, 2006
> From a debate regarding presumption of child-visitation rights by non-residential fathers:
> Tim Loughton [MP]: Let me finish...
> In support of its claim, the NSPCC [which is fighting hand, tooth and nail to keep non-residential fathers from having child-access rights — "in the best interest of the child"] cites the fact that 29 children were killed over the past 10 years during contact visits to non-resident parents. That is an appalling figure.
> ************************************************************
> However, it ignores its own research, which shows that over the same period some 800 children have died at the hands of resident parents or carers [read "mothers"], and the 2000 publication "Child Maltreatment in the UK" , which showed that violent treatment was more likely to be meted out by female carers than male ones.


"In support of its claim, the NSPCC [which is fighting hand, tooth and nail to keep non-residential fathers from having child-access rights — "in the best interest of the child"] cites the fact that 29 children were killed over the past 10 years during contact visits to non-resident parents. That is an appalling figure."

Are you kidding me, over 1000 children have been tortured and murdered in the UK while under the direct supervision of the social services in the last Ten years...majority of them done by WOMEN!

This is SOME of them


My mum beat me (I'm male) and my brother when our dad was away. She had a long piece of a garden hose prepared for beating us. She would ask me or my brother to pull chair into the middle of the kitchen, then ordered us to pull our trousers down, lie on the chair, stick naked buttocks up, and then she would lash. While one of us was beaten, the other had to watch. Then we changed places. Then, at the end, she would hold us in her arms, saying, "I had to do it, because I love you, and you did not listen or obeyed."

It was not only my mum, who did that, I have seen in in friends families as well - dads away, and mothers maltreating their children.

Women are very violent but normally they perform violence by manipulating a male to do/ perform the violent act for them. If there is now male around that can be used, then they would secretly lash out themselves.

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