One of the great hopes that when the Coalition Government came together in May this year was this pledge in their agreement (page 24):
We will extend anonymity in rape cases to defendants
That is as black and white as you can possible get.
Over the ensuing months, following the onslaught by Harman, Flint and the rest (covered on the site), Crispin Blunt said that the "proposals did not stand on its merits."
The report that accompanied the U-turn states that there is insufficient empirical evidence in false accuasations to recommends a policy change. This is pretty weaselly considering that the report states the standard estimate is that 8-11% of rape allegations in England and Wales are false (see page 12), plus page 16 reports from research about the nature of false allegations.
This raises a number of issues, bar another U-turn in Government policy:
As raised here, there is an epidemic of false allegations, almost one per week is reported in the newapaper which is also covered by the the excellent False Rape Society which has rolling news on this issue and of cases of false allegation.
Each and every man accused of rape via a false allegation will continue to have their reputation stained (and stained forever because of the internet) with all the ensuing damage on the family, employment opportunities and psychology. Men have committed suicide becuase of this and some men have fled the country. Blunt thinks this is OK.
The second point which is most chilling is the fact that men have no hope of making sufficient gains in terms of equality (except for the review on Family Law and pensions!) because whenever a measure is put forward that brings equality for men, the Government buckle under the weight of the rantings and ravings from those who dislike men so much (Harman, Flint, Cooper, Fawcett Society, Equalities and Human Rights Commission etc).
We have already witnessed the laughable and dangerous antics of those who think equality only applies to women over the public sector cuts and pension changes. This u-turn sets an a very damaging presecdnet because it means they are terrified of the onslaught. The backbone of a jellyfish.
Rather than stand firm on their manifesto commitment, equality in the British justice system and to prtuiect those falsely accused of rape, they buckled under the onslaught of the the nato-male Marxist feminists. They ran away like cowards under the cover of a report designed to give their u-turn some type of credibility to avioid being seen of being scared of the anti-male lobby.
Media coverage - Daily Mirror, Independent, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, Guardian
Posted by Skimmington
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