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Monday, 06 December 2010


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The Fatherhood institute is an interesting example of an organisation coming out of the Feminist movement. The past head of the Institute was an ardent feminist. The result is that its settled view is that men should be more involved with children because that helps women. On the plus side this means the Institute is very much behind father's being involved with their children. On the down side it takes this position in order to support a feminist view that this is to free women up to pursue their careers. Hence the rather odd collection of indicators chosen (does anyone seriously think the sex of 600 MPs reflects anything about a population of 60 million people?). The Mens Coalition (of which the FI is one) all share this somewhat confused stance. As you say there is overwhelming evidence that men and women choose roles based on natural proclivities and simple practicalities. The tediously oft quoted Sweden still has a marked "gender pay gap",has more occupational segregation(with a much higher proportion of the female workforce in the state sector)and proportionately fewer women in management despite years of "equality" policy. This is the result of people taking advantage of the policy in ways the policy makers dissaprove. Swedish women avail themselves fully of family friendly policies and consequently avoid the private sector,management and presured jobs, in order to look after their families or achieve a "balance". Swedish men continue to work long hours, in the private sector, have to be made to take compulsary paternity leave and strive to get promotion. Their population's continued lack of cooperation with the policy continually exercises the Swedish political elite.

So two cheers for the FI. Any organisation cheering for fathers (you'll find the FI isn't so keen on "men")has to be welcomed but this report demonstrated the down side of those men's organisations born out of feminism.


Sorry to go on but the quote from Dame Julie Mellor on why she chaired Fathers Direct (which became the Fatherhood Institute) neatly explains the duality ih the FI.
"I am delighted to take the role
as chair of Fathers Direct.
I am frequently asked why I, a
woman and well known
advocate for better protection
and support for women, took on
the leadership of an
organisation about fathers.
There are three reasons.
First, the needs of children. The
research evidence is
unequivocal: fatherhood is an
asset to children and they need
a society that supports active
fatherhood and challenges low
expectations of fathers.
Second, gender equality. When
I was Chair of the Equal
Opportunities Commission, my
son asked me “What are you
doing for boys and men?” The
needs of women and men are
interdependent, and supporting
the role of men in caring is the
next front line of the struggle for
gender equality: Fathers Direct is
at a front line of the debate.
Third, I wanted to put my time
into something that could really
bring about change – and
Fathers Direct, with its gifted
team, is just such an

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Aloha lovely!
Your blog is quite applaudable!
Here's cheers to you this festive season!
Keep up the brilliant posts......

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