Unlike Christopher Blunt MP and other Ministers in the Justice team whose knees buckled against the onslaught of the anti-male feminists, Dominic Raab is holding his line that men get a raw deal and that there is a lot of feminist bigotry in the UK.
He has been further interviewed on the BBC (see also blog) and Evening Standard (the journalist Pippa Crerar says that women get paid 10% less than men for doing the same job - an assertion that is completely and utterly incorrect) and there has been further coverage in papers like the Daily Mail (423 comments in their comments section!) and Daily Express.
The BBC says Mr Raab defends his comments, why should he defend them? When Harman, May or Featherstone make their anti-male comments, do the BBC ask them to defend their views?? No, the BBC just accepts them.
As Jon said in yesterday's post, we should individually write to him via http://www.dominicraab.com/contact_dom.html and thank him for raising this issue and for standing firm.
Posted by Skimmington