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Sunday, 13 March 2011


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John Kimble

Always knew Oxfam were a very dodgy organisation when it comes to gender equality but to imply that men are so selfish they don't teach others to fish and feed themselves is incredibly offensive. Thanks for pointing out what they're up to.

Note that Oxfam are part of Annie Lennox's "EQUALS" coalition, they are "charities brought together by Annie Lennox to celebrate the International Women’s Day centenary".

There's some very biggoted and dodgy orgasnaitions who are the founding partners, such as Women's Aid and the Fawcett Society. Therefore all others should be scrutinised too for associating with such a sexist campaign.

Certainly Amnesty International are becoming increasingly known for misandry so it's hardly surprising that they're listed.

Similarly some very extreme supporting partners also such as Object and then there's Mumsnet (one of Harman's favourite sites) and finally the NUS who haven't' failed to escape the attention of this blog in the past.


You do right to highlight the misandry . Amnesty has drifted well away from it's founding principles and I have been appalled at Oxfam for some years. Inspired by Marxism the leaders of this campaign are the daughters of privilege seeking more for themselves. There are millions of poorly paid men and women in our economy yet the feminists fight for a hundred or so seats on the board while linking their selfish wish for fast promotion to the plight of those living through the chaos of the third world. It is shameful. As. Annie Lennox sang "sisters are doing it for themselves".

Quiet Riot Girl

Thanks for linking to my post. I was quite perturbed by the Equals video and the way statistics on gender inequality in the third world/developing countries were highlighted.

'women do 66% of the work in the world... and own 1% of the property etc...'

I also find the UN and its recent gender campaigns to be quite misandrist but need to look at them more closely.


Many of the legal restrictions on women I protested in the 70s had their origin in campaigns by the wives of wealthy philanthropists. So laws about debt protected women from debtors prison by making husbands responsible. Laws against working in mining and heavy industry prevented women from working in communities with few other options. In effect trying to protect delicate females meant the mid and late Victorians made restrict laws and placed women on a pedestal they fought to get off. The irony that many modern feminists are busy climbing on pedestals based on much the same claims to virtue and need for protection from real life those worthy Victorian ladies wanted. With same disdain for men and women outside their enlightened circle. The fishing example is shameful as women and men in the 3rd world struggle to support their families every day , one of the biggest problems is the sheer number of men migrating to work and send funds to support their families. The arrogance is just breathtaking.

writing online

Certainly Amnesty International are becoming increasingly known for misandry so it's hardly surprising that they're listed. 'women do 66% of the work in the world... and own 1% of the property etc...'The irony that many modern feminists are busy climbing on pedestals based on much the same claims to virtue and need for protection from real life those worthy Victorian ladies wanted

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