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Sunday, 21 October 2012


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Mike Buchanan

Skimmington, thanks for the support (as always), and thanks too for pulling together so many stories in one blog piece. I know how long this kind of thing takes, but it's of incalculable benefit to the struggle, and inspires so many people, including us. All these stories make you realise something. OUR ENEMIES HAVE NO DEFENCES. They only know how to attack, and never with well-reasoned arguments. Week by week, we're forcing them to defend the indefensible. And the media is starting to report on this. Early days, but the direction and speed of progress is something to behold.

The contribution of Philip Davies MP to the debate about the sentencing of convicted women (pointing out vigorously how lenient it is, compared with the sentencing of convicted men) was the single most powerful challenging of pro-female and anti-male discrimination made by an MP or peer in my lifetime (I'm 54), at least to the best of my knowledge. We were so impressed we presented him with a 'Winston' award on the strength of it:

Keep up the good work!

Mike Buchanan



It doesn't take him long Mike when it is commentator's like myself who spend hours to put most of the stories on here for him ;-)


Actually Mike, without trying to belittle anyone's efforts too much, it takes little work at all to get these links together, once you have RSS feeds, and news searches pre-setup the info pretty much comes to you without doing anything.

The REAL effort is what else I and others like me try to do and what the MRM should be doing, but fail too because those in the right places do not coordinate but instead spend their time soap-boxing their own "vested interests" in the MRM.

There needs to be a legion of men , co-ordinated and armed with good facts and information, backed up with linkable source, going around every single news outlet, every single day and on every relevant story and rebutting everything. bang bang machines.

For every post on a newspaper website where comment are allowed on a relevant story, there should be an army of MRA waiting to bang in with facts, figures and truth to rebut the journalists propaganda and re-educate the public. Same for all blogs, advertising complaints you name it. Numbers and coordination are the key.

Respectfully, just repeating someone else's headlines does a little bit of good, but only a tiny amount of good and is nowhere near what the MRM are capable of and need to do.


Please do read this with regard to the myths surrounding women and prison. MP Philip Davies really does a spendid job of presenting facts in response to a load of nonsense.He deserves a medal.


Oops sorry Mike i see you've given him one. I was just so blown away by the way he met the rubbish that came his way in the debate.

Mike Buchanan

Stuart, thanks for your contributions. There are clearly many sites doing many things. Call me old-fashioned but I haven't a clue what a RSS is, and life's too short for me to find out, wheh others clearly DO know. I happen to find TROM very useful (and commendably succinct, unlike some other sites) to keep myself posted on areas outside my core interest, anti-male and pro-female discrimination in the workplace. I find this belittling of other people's contributions very dispiriting, and I've been very grateful for Skimmington's support, the traffic uplifts my blogs have seen as a result etc.

My question to you. How precisely will that 'legion of co-ordinated men' come together? I see little sign of it although the technlogy to enable it has existed for YEARS now. It's one of the reasons that I chose 'gender balance in the boardroom' as my area of focus. Companies increasingly recognise it as a threat to their long-term viability, so there's funding potential there, helping them fight the nonsense. And with funding comes the potential to step up a gear in that area as well as others.

Just a thought.

Mike Buchanan

Mike Buchanan

Groan, many thanks. I agree with your sentiments re the contribution by Philip Davies MP to the debate on sentencing. If anyone in this forum can think of an equally (or even more... surely not...) robust and impressive denunciation of anti-male and pro-female discrimination by either an MP or a peer in living memory, could they please let me know [email protected]. That MP or peer will be in line for a 'Winston' or a 'Maggie' pretty damned sharpish! Thanks.

Mike Buchanan


Mike, I would think it needs to be started by the more prominent MRM sites on the web who are obviously in the best position to recruit and focus efforts with the followers they already have. It was not a knock on this site so much as just thinking that much more is needed then repeating things in one place, as useful as it can be of course. The MRM need to take the fight to them and shove it in their faces, every time they turn around. I never said however, knowing blokes as one does, that it would be easy:-)

Mike Buchanan

Thanks Stuart. I agree 100% that the MRM needs to move from being defensive to being offensive like the feminists are currently(haha). But are there any signs the 'more prominent MRM sites' will be prepared to collaborate? My hunch is that the best will be run by highly individualistic people disinclined to collaborate. If men really collaborated in the way claimed by feminists - the 'patriarchy' - it would all be over by Xmas.


Couldn't agree with your more Mike. That kinda goes with my "Down tools" idea and how you would De-program enough men from chivalry and their conditioning, long enough to try it out.

If people really want to see the worth and contribution to the World by men in comparison to women, to stop the Feminist whining in it's tracks, all Men simply have to do, is down tool's just for 24hrs. I mean when you think about it, power, water, transport, communication and everything. Women have got some bloody front to complain about anything at all, especially when most of their spoilt backsides are not down in the muck and mire making it all run and work, being treated as disposable.

After watching a bit of Sky News this morning, seeing how it requires just One man but FIVE infantile women sat on a couch, just to talk childishly about some inane drivel of no consequence, I am confident that such an action would only actually require about 3 mins to make it's point :-)

Maybe the women, especially the feminist and the self entitled Majority, thought about just how they take Men for granted while they moan and sit around playing victim and hard done by whenever they want something, the goalposts might change a bit.

Then again in today's Women that is like asking the Pope to convert to Islam.

Mike Buchanan

Very good. The first law I'd pass in my role as the head of the UK's first MRM government - starting in a year's time, women can only live in accommodation constructed by women, drive cars constructed by women, and eat food grown (or animals caught and/or slaughtered) by women.


Not quite what you describe but life behind the Iron curtain included full time work by the female workforce and a lot of women building roads farming and in industry. A dead society now and one our pampered Fawcett's might not like to emulate.


Mike... ;-)

Isn't equality a wonderful myth. The stuff of fairy tales a dragons.



I know, I nearly got engaged in Vietnam last year, a place like you described and such toil for women continues with equality.

I would rather marry one of them toiling on the roads still looking like 5'3 supermodels...than a fat 3-arsed western pampered mutt of no use or value

Why do you think the feminist has made sure every man going to Asia is seen as a pervert in the mainstream? It's all politics and deliberate.

They don't want their stupid puppy man slaves waking up to the truth and buggering off for something a damm site better. I mean , can you really imagine our women over here actually working under those conditions? The same kind of conditions men have worked in for centuries. They would need at least 3 charities, a victim ruse and several mangina's and white knights just to get started on their excuses.


Women's rights minister shows her affiliations in agenda.


I see little difference between this and what positive discrimination does to Men. Surely men have the right to sue dating back years for jobs they was denied because of shortlists and P.D?


The real story here Stuart is that men in the glass cellar have and are losing pay as "equal value" is used to ignore the danger and discomfort of usually out door manual work compred to " female " council jobs. Men in the glass cellar shafted by gender equality.


On the FTSE board story I noticed that at least three of the named women have lost work in the cull of quangos. So understandably keen to get noses into an alternative trough. I also expect men from the not for profit sector find they aren't in big demand from big for profit companies. Jobs for the girls.


A yes the bottomless money pit of the civil service and the syphoning of third sector money, the two mainstays of both marxist and women's agenda, oh how it uses them to artificially prop itself up at the expense of others and as social change agent vehicles..


Ah, so where is the compensation for him? where is the prison sentence for her?


So 6 women have died in total in the Iraq/Aghanistan affair, SO? this of course MUST make headlines because they had Vagina's.

Meanwhile 435 MEN have died (not counting the amputees and such) . Quite clearly equality is lacking in the military and more women should be sent to the front lines as disposable fodder. One can only wonder why the feminists are not up in arms at such blatant inequality?.

Meanwhile in the same amount of time the mostly feminist/female staffed Social services of the Britain have been responsible for the deaths of over 1000 children under their direct care. That kind of puts things into perspective?


Am I the only one who thinks the real worry here is a system that defends and gives a child to a women, who is so utterly stupid as to be conned like this? If you are that idiotic you are clearly not fit to raise a child, unless of course your a woman.


I don't even know where to start on this one

There are not enough words, at least none that aren't offensive...

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