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Monday, 11 February 2013


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Beth Upton

The main criticism levelled at The Summit was its lack of practising fundraisers on the line up. The gender imbalance has become a more popular story line. Please can ANYONE focus on the value current practitioners bring to the table (regardless of gender).


2 hours 24 mins in. Unbelievable feminist hate.

This programme was meant to be about people stealing the limelight. Listen to how this feminist (an author, Kathy Lette who I "think" might have written a book called "how to kill your husband" - not sure.) turns it all into a load of feminist man hate clap-trap.
This is what I mean about indoctrinating society and our young generation with hatred and contempt for men. And see how the male presenters are too scared to protect themselves. It takes Sarah M to pull Kathy up. Can you imagine for one moment the BBC inviting and allowing a man to spout such tripe! Pathetic.

This is what I mean Tom!!

A Woman

Surely you mean our gender one-up-WOman-ship. Get it right!

Tom Martin

There's a left leaning think tank, called the center for Social Policy Research or something,
its founder, a former Blair adviser, saying his organization will not meet with other groups where there are no women present.

I'm fine with that, as long as his organization also refuses to meet with all women groups.

Sex segregation is bad.


Won`t meet with an organisation where no women are present? But would if there were no men present?

Misandry. I use to laugh at people who spoke of this suff, but it really does seem to be a problem. Sometimes you WILL get situations where they are all amle, you can`t force that not to be.

You can`t treat men like the evil monster or eventually Men will go their own way.


Oops. Thinking too fast for my typing, there.

Won`t meet with an organisation where no women are present? But what if there were no men present? That would be ok?

Misandry. I use to laugh at people who spoke of this suff, but it really does seem to be a problem. Sometimes you WILL get situations where they are all male, you can`t force that not to be. It`s just the way it turned out.

Is feminism about afairness or just one specific gender getting its way. doesn`t it bother people? Are we THAT controlled?

You can`t treat men like the evil monster or eventually Men will go their own way.


Clear evidence that it is the encouragement of negative stereotypes that is at the very root of the "boy crisis". Generations of boys are being set up. Exaactly the sort of stereotyping that feminists if they had any integrity should be loudly challenging!

Tom Martin

I would make equally negative stereotypes about a room full of women only. The point is, segregation is bad. Eliminate that, and we don't need to paint either sex as the bogey person.

Toini Hasti

It seem that is really an issue most of the people cannot give trust if they seen a fundraising organizer are all men.In Finland many fundraising build by many staff such as men and women and also some teenager who are really willing to do some activities and creating event for a fundraising.

Fencing Romford

Fundraising isn't always about connecting with the most people; sometimes a more personal approach is more likely to be successful, and smaller organizations can take advantage of their petite size to be effective.


I agree, for something like prostate or testicular cancer why wouldn't it be all men talking about it and making it more of an open issue and trying to raise funds for treatments and research? Breast cancer pink fun runs happen regularly in support of women. Fundraising for a school would be based around the children and families involved in the school and a personal approach is best. The same way you wouldn't expect people without a love of pets to support the RSPCA.

In terms of boys and girls gender differences at school, I would say with my parental experience boys are more physical, I think this is what earns them a bad reputation, some boys NEED to burn off their energy before they can sit still and focus. I try to make learning with my lad as active as possible, walks, jumping and reciting at the same time etc, and he is very bright, maybe it is the teaching methods that need to allow for this? or at least I hope they will when he starts school next year. I would hate to think that teacher lack of understanding of my childs' needs would lead to him being branded as naughty!

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