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Thursday, 07 February 2008


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It's a great book, and I would recommend it highly for all those serious about remedying gender inequalities, especially as organisations such as Oxfam get ready to 'celebrate' international women's day on 8 March. Apparently Oxfam is planning a number of events including an exhibition its headquarters. All staff are encouraged to wear something purple on the 7th or one of
the tee shirts. Staff have also been told that they have to attend at least one of the following possible events: 1) financing for gender equality and women's empowerment; 2) boxing rings - a talk and materials on the roles and resources of men and women; 3) possibly an event linked with the Oxford Women's Festival; 4) film screening of India's missing children; 5) a Women's leaders panel discussion.


Looking around, here in the UK and worldwide, it seems to be a man`s world still.
For Centuries women have been blamed for everything you can think of, starting with Eve.
We`ve been, and in many Countries still are, opressed, gagged, used as slaves, burned, drowned, exploited, mutilated and abused.
Women have had to stand by and watch in dipair as men start wars, form sour little ritualistic gangs, and invent bigger better and faster ways of destroying humankind.
Women fought for the right to vote and equal pay bravely and steadfastly, and have had to tolerate sexism and verbal abuse in the workplace for years. During the last World War the women of Britain took over the male jobs (for less pay) and kept the Country running.
And the thanks we get for all of this is a `backlash` from some men who feel terribly hard done by if a woman Boss gives them a ticking off or their wife leaves them.
Yes, more men commit suicide- because their egos cannot accept failure or rejection, and they don`t think of- or don`t care- about the pain their action will cause to others left behind.
Why shouldn`t women have a day of their own? God knows, its little enough to ask. It seems to me that every other day of the year is `Men`s Day`
So lets`s not `let the battle commence` aren`t you tired of fighting yet?

Paul Father

No one answers to Karen ? Hummm.

Here is a brief answer
"Yes, more men commit suicide- because their egos cannot accept failure or rejection, and they don`t think of- or don`t care- about the pain their action will cause to others left behind. "

Karen seems to find the all-answer to men commit suicide. No, is not losing the house after the divorce. No, is not losing the kids.
No, according to Fem Karen and her big knowledge and science, men commit more suicide because of their ego.

By the way Karen, even it was true your ego-answer, let me ask this. Is a man having a ego, a crime, that deserves deatth ? You have no sympathy at all of men that have egos ? You think if they failed or have a stupid women boss (of course to you all women boss are great , lol ) they deserve no attention at all, and suicide is good for them ?
Get lost, Karen.
That's why wiman like you, don't represent all women, but represent Radical Feminism. Or extreme feminism, as the author said.
Thanks for proving that.

Ohhh, let me ask you this : gays who commit suicide after failure of their relationships, of course to you also suicide is great.

Air Jordan

Hope is the word which God has written on the brow of every man.


The debate on gender issues from the male perspective is both very welcome and long overdue. There are and have always been issues that adversely affect men and these are conveniently ignored by the man-haters and the politically-correct 'sheeple' who rely on paranoid kneejerk reaction rather than informed analysis to guide their actions. We need more Steve Moxon's and Neil Lyndon's to counter the pseudofeminist anti-male pandemic. Well done Steve!

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