The CEHR (Commission for Equalities and Human Rights) which formed when the EOC and other bodies merged last year is pulling up the drains on the City and the construction industry.
It is conducting a witch-hunt inquiry (link) into both, based on the gender pay gap in the City and harassment.
They quote that the gender pay gap in the City is 41% and the arguments about why the Gender Pay Gap is a myth has been outlined regularly on this site (link). However, the gap in the City is starker because, generally speaking, the hours that people work in the City are extreme and many women will choose not to take part especially when they want to bring up a family.
Often, they have a husband/male partner in the City and they are the ones that work ridiculous hours (often earning serious money for their family to boot).
On the harassment front, perhaps the Commission may turn its attention to this survey that showed that 85% of men had said they had been sexually harassed at work (link).