Here is a few from this month
The Guardian - Call for action to increase numbers of women in devolved parliaments (Severin Carrell) - I know, if all women shortlists aren't enough, why don't they just ban men altogether!
The Telegraph - Feminist judge resigns from Man Booker prize (Laura Roberts) - Read the comments in the newspaper section
The Guardian - Slutwalk podcast , Debate, Slutwalk comes to Britain
Conservativehome - Feminism taken to its most absurd conclusion (Catherine Marcus)
The Guardian - The trouble with gender economics - Is nowhere safe from feminist fundamentalism?
The Guardian - Where's the money for UN Women? (Jane Martinson)- er, where's the money for UN men?
National Coalition for Men - Anti-male media bias
Daily Mail - Six cups of coffee per day cuts prostate cancer risk (Fiona Macrae)
BBC - Boys cannot read past the 100th page - It may mean boys are allowed to read boy-centric novels at school not the girl-centric tosh they have to now
The Guardian - Women and the Coalition: Education (Jeevan Vasegar)- Just more special treatment for women.
The Guardian - Parliamentarians ask G8 to focus on women
Posted by Skimmington
I am becoming increasingly annoyed with the Guardian and their torrent of misandry. I noticed they now employ Amanda Marcotte on a regular basis so to further increase their legion of man-haters. Also I've had a great deal of success previously getting the word out on the site and I now seem to have come to the attention of their comment is "free" moderators and have the majority of my postings removed.
How about in future when linking to sexist/offensive Guardian articles everyone uses the Google cache thereby blocking the ads, and denying the Guardian advertising revenue? This would mean we were no longer paying the salaries of the misandrists and therefore not a part of the problem.
Posted by: John Kimble | Saturday, 21 May 2011 at 21:49
I had a similar experience with the Daily Mail when my posts sudddenly stopped appearing.
The Guardian is truely a vile publication. In a way though, the more extreme they become the more they show themselves for the gutteral misandrists they are.
I remember listening to a feminist being interviewed and she said that she couldn't believe what she could get away with when writing male-bashing articles. I've never forgotten this and it made me realise that underneath they all know its just pure discrimination and are simply indulging, in the same way a bully indulges when the victim is an easy (for the time being) target.
I think one day "Girl Power" will be viewed in the same light as "White Power".
Posted by: Bob | Thursday, 26 May 2011 at 07:14