Should be back to normal this week so here are a collection of stories and issues:
Fighting Feminism - Open letter to Theresa May MP (Mike Buchanan)
BBC News - Prostate cancer drugs too costly: Men shown again to be the disposable sex
Daily Telegraph - We can't create women to put on Question Time (David Dimbleby): The eminent broadcaster fights back against Tory MP Louise Mensch and her obsessive tub-thumping for quotas on all BBC programmes. Never, not once, does she ever prove that the programmes like Question Time or Today discriminate against women, they pick the most suitable person. Who cares if a programme was all-women as long as all picked on merit. Mensch is the new breed of aggressive anti-male special treatment feminists now sitting on the Conservative benches.
Daily Mail - Child's right to see an absent father: Law to help millions from broken homes (James Chapman) and Norgrove's fightback: Rather than celebrate the news that could alleviate the huge damage to children and also to father's because of the bias in the family courts, let's see what the announcement actually says tomorrow (Monday).
Daily Mail - It was beyond horrific: Wife of RAF pilot cleared of sex assault tells of family's 12-month ordeal (Emily Andrews)
Cambridge News - Women accused man of rape because he could not remember her name (Gareth McPherson)
The Guardian - Spare me from the whining women who are giving feminism a bad name (Julie Burchill): "Sadly, a lot of what passes for feminism these days is just moaning about men, congratulating ourselves on nothing in particular, and mocking them for being big kids while doing everything we can to keep them that way."
Posted by Skimmington