Having witnessed years of neglect of men's' health I've been very pleased with the success of Movember this year, and it's excellent to see such issues finally getting some much needed attention. One new feature of this year's Movember is for airlines to places a moustache on their aircraft, not only do they look great, they really help raise awareness too.
Regrettably, there are still some very misandrist airlines out there who regard all men as untrustworthy child abusers and insist unaccompanied minors are only ever seated next to females on flights. One would have though that any airlines that hate men to this extent would have absolutely no interest, nor any right to have an interest in Movember, yet bizarrely Qantas have decided to take part.
Men's health isn't a simple, isolated issue where men simply go to the doctor more often or where research into cancer finally gets the funding it needs. It isn't even simply about exercise and healthy eating either. "Health" is inseparable from all other aspects of a person's life. To be healthy we need to have good mental health, home life, social relationships, self worth, and self esteem. Ultimately, just like anyone else, men need to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect.
Unfortunately, Qantas blatantly hates adult males and has no regard for their health whatsoever. As Lord McAlpine can now testify, to falsely brand a single man as a child abuser is a horrific crime, and such allegations clearly take a considerable toll on the health of the victim not to mention putting them at risk of violence. However, Qantas doesn't falsely smear one single male, but every adult male who steps on one of its planes. To openly operate a discriminatory policy suggesting all men potentially abuse children damages society and lives immeasurably. It fuels the unfair outcomes and sexist culture of the family courts, it contributes to the culture where men are unable to work as teachers or with children in other roles. It encourages further false allegations against males and the type of atmosphere where parks and other venues become no go areas for men. Above all else, it endorses the hatred of men we see from gender feminists and encourages their attacks on our society.
Simply put, false smears of child abuse against men damage their health. If Qantas cared the slightest for men (and children) they'd end their sexist seating policy immediately and apologise for their years of misandry. Instead, they pretend to like men, and paper over the cracks by painting a symbol of masculinity on their planes, a symbol their policies associate with mistrust and child abuse. Put simply, you can't claim to care about a man's health whilst simultaneously falsely branding him a child abuser. Ending such policies and admitting how hateful they are would arguably achieve more for men and their position in society in the long term than every penny raised by Movember this year.
by John Kimble
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