This week, has been a landmark in showing how modern-day feminism (mutated from being an equality movement to one about gender supremacy and misandry) is actively denying both equality for men and boys through misandry but also even recognition that men and boys have problems to whether men and boys actually exist.
We have seen these issues as showing how the feminist man-hating narrative has become the mainstream view, the new normal, the standard view for Britain and its elites. Every issue that a woman faces is the fault of a man and/or only happens to a woman - so men get excluded from the story even through they also form part of the story.
We had at the start of the week the trolling story. As stated earlier this week, the lunatics trolling the MP's and campaigners do a great disservice to our cause, but the assumption of the feminist discourse readily picked up and accepted as Gospel by the media and the "elites" is that only women are trolled. Er, what about this then, on GQ (Telegraph, Independent). The professor in this story who says it is not a gender issue gets little traction all week.
Then there was a story on the introduction of application fees for employment tribunals. There was much anguish about the fact that this would be bad for low-paid women. It was if there were no low-paid men, yet 40% of low-paid workers are male! (Listen)
The Evening Standard announced there was a summit on the lack of female engineers and a Parliamentary inquiry into whether science is institutionally sexist (I cannot find any news on this). But where is the campaign and the summit about the lack of male teachers, the lack of men in social services, healthcare, education etc. Er...there isn't one.
Mens Conference UK picked up on Marilyn Stowe's revelation that the Ministry of Justice's guidance on legal aid mentions husbands as perpetrators but not husbands and wives. The Ministry of Justice acting with pure unadulerated institutional discrimination against men. The rules are gender-neutral but the Ministry of Justice does not believe they apply in practice to men.
Continuing on the domestic abuse front, a Facebook message from Karen Woodall (Centre for Separated Families) stated "here's one for all of you interested in domestic violence.... Nick is training today for the DWP, he is not allowed to talk about violence against men or violence in separating couples in any way other than that which is ratified by the Coalition Government Policy on VAWAG by order of the HOME OFFICE - he also has two observers sitting in on the training to make sure he does not transgress this order (that's because they are nervous about my blog and my refusal to do as they ordered me to). This is what your taxes pay for people...the state is most definitely controlling you and if you separate it will be Women's Aid and Refuge who rule your world."
Will the media point out in the Eddie Kidd story that men are victims too? (will Refuge's Sandra Horley spin this as self-defence?)
Will the media look at this story about this wicked mother and attack women, like they would attack men if it was the father who was at fault?
Plus of course the Co-Op bow to pressure and put men's mags in plastic covers because they have half-naked women in. When Hello etc have half naked or provocatively dressed women on their cover and sometimes men. Where are the feminists crying about this cover "The lost art of the handjob"!!!
There will be more and the site has already covered how feminism meant the media and the elites were more focussed on the membership of golf clubs than the number of men not going to university. The same has happened all week and what is so disappointing is that the media just do not question the facts or challenge the commentators so that modern-day radical feminism dominates the news agenda with no challenge, but they also do not challenge or even accept male related issues onto the agenda. Radio 4 had a section on feminism getting stronger, but when will they do the same on men's issues.
Glen Poole this week, set out his poll and it is more vital today than it ever has been to get some form of group up and running to put our case that men are discriminated against in every day society and that by shutting out men and boys from the equality narrative and also acting with plain hypocrisy.
Modern-day radical misandrist feminism is a devastating barrier for men and boys. Their voice has been drowned out.
Posted by Skimmington
Ps I do like this article from Carol Sarler in case anyone has missed it.
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