With the angst about the capsizing of the Costa Concordia two strands have been running.
Firstly the implicit male-bashing by some of the mediawho have latched onto the fact that a few men were trying to get off the sinking ship without letting women and children go first (some articles implied that men were pushing women and children out of the way but no mention made that some women were probably doing the same as well). One commentator on BBC Breakfast on Tuesday actually said you shouldn't prioritise anyone because the priority is to get everyone off quickly and picking up slows things down. Also if there was a family, it was vital the family unit stayed (including the father) together.
Secondly, it has raised the whole debate about whether 'women and children first' still applies. Well it used to and still in many minds it remains true but feminism especially modern day anti-male feminism, says it doesn't. And this is the ruling ideology. And remember this!
And of course, because the anti-male feminists only speak when it is on their terms, people like them are keeping their head down when the debate is raging. This is because they hypocritically want their cake and eat it/bread buttered on both sides.
They want equality but then still want privilege and special treatment for women, and undermine men whenever they can. What those who are calling for the return of 'women and children first' is that women are more important than men, so where is the equality there?
If people like Harriet Harman, Caroline Flint, Theresa May, Lynne Featherstone, every writer at the Guardian, Anna Bird, Katherine Rake etc really do want equality then they should be making comments that it is right that 'women and children first' no longer exists. But instead they stay silent because they want both equality and privilege at the same time.
This is the the clearest example of double standards of modern feminism and they are to blame for the ending of 'women and children first'.
Posted by Skimmington
Media coverage of issue (good debates in comments section) - Daily Mail 1, Daily Mail 2, Daily Express, Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Independent
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