Each and every day, the McCarthyite feminists dig up a new issue that has nothing to do with sexism or discrimination but that does not stop them using it as a as a weapon to beat men with.
It is all part of a ploy to keep banging on about sexism to enable more special treatment and favours to be given to girls and women over men and boys.
It is pure McCarthyism because there is no kernel of truth in it yet but any chink of glimmer that it could be is then used to the maximum. McCarthy did it in the 1950's with any supposedly 'leftist' view meaning someone was a communist and there is no difference with his McCarthyite sisters who see any glimmer of discrimination where none exist as a ruse to attack men.
Basically the Sports Personality of the Year award did not shortlist any women in the ten strong shortlist and this was based on a number of national, regional and sports magazines.
This mean there was a storm of protest. Chief McCarthyite Harriet Harman waded in as did Taekwondo world champion Sarah Stevenson, Tanni Grey-Thompson, Chrissie Wellington (who wants a boycott) as well as others.
The problem is that there is no proof of sexism, it can be argued that some people, who happen to be women, should have been included because their sporting success was better than some of the men on the list but this does not prove sexism. There may be other men who should be on the list but they weren’t included either. It doesn’t help though to have Nuts and Z00 on the panel but if you had women's magazines then they would be just as bad at picking form their own gender if Nuts and Zoo were only to pick men.
Ex rugby-player, Brian Moore, says there is no sexism as does Rebecca Adlington who in my personal opinion should have been on the list because that is based on merit not her gender.
The BBC though kowtowed and have said they will be now having a review which means now that there will in all likelihood be gender quotas and guaranteed number of slots for women no matter whether they should be there or not. This means, just like it does with the political and boardroom quotas in place in the UK that some men who should be on the list will not be because of their gender.
The real issue is that as the BBC will be reviewing the procedure, effectively the McCarthyite feminists have won. They saw a anti-female conspiracy by men when no such conspiracy existed, yet they got their own way.
Another day to day example of how Britain’s institutions are scared stiff of the Mccarthyite feminists and how they feel the best option is to give in and discriminate against men.
Posted by Skimmington
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